Spreadsheets vs Information Security:

Protect Information living in Spreadsheets & End-User Computing Applications (EUCs)

Hackers, criminals, or even nation states may (and eventually probably will) find a way into your company’s networks. In addition, the insider threat, both unintentional and malicious, is omnipresent.

Companies that have developed a strong information security/risk management framework are at the best possible advantage to reduce the potential for loss.

Including EUCs as part of this enterprise information security architecture is critically important as many of the most significant and damaging data breaches and loss incidents have involved EUCs (especially spreadsheets). Companies need to know which files contain sensitive and business-critical data, where they are located and have an appropriate GRC framework for them.

Download our free white paper, Spreadsheets vs. Information Security and learn how you can protect sensitive information contained within EUCs and minimize the potential damage to your business.

Download Our Free White Paper